
News of USA, News Of America

“Quad-Demic,” with four highly contagious viruses circulating simultaneously: COVID-19, influenza (flu), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and norovirus.

The United States is currently dealing with a “quad-demic,” as four viruses are circulating across the country.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been an uptick in three respiratory viruses—COVID-19, the flu, and RSV—as well as the gastrointestinal virus, norovirus.

Emergency department visits are reported as “high” for the flu, “very high” for RSV, and “elevated” for COVID-19, reflecting the strain on healthcare facilities nationwide, according to the CDC.

As of January 4, 12.6% of influenza tests are coming back positive, while 12.1% of RSV tests and 7.2% of COVID tests are also returning positive results.

Norovirus is making a significant impact, with 27.91% of weekly tests coming back positive, according to CDC data. This is the highest rate of the virus seen since 2019.

Doctors told source News that while hospitals are ready to handle the patient surge, the growing number of cases is still cause for concern.

“Viruses like norovirus typically surge during the winter months,” said Dr. James Alberts, the medical director of infection prevention at Yale New Haven Health. “While the numbers we’re seeing locally are consistent with past patterns, the rapid pace at which they’re rising is particularly concerning.”

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